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Claims Examples

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Recent Claim Examples

Computer System - A ransomware attack seized a Carlisle Manufacturing’s system, and a payment was demanded for release. In this case, no remote access was detected so it is believed that an employee inadvertently downloaded the ransomware virus while browsing the web. Their lack of security awareness and unsafe online habits opened the door to a ransom demand. The attack brought the Carlisle’s system and operations down, halting production. No ransom was paid, but the attack was still costly. An IT provider had to rebuild two servers and five workstations from scratch, which included reloading the operating system and reinstalling all software and other functions.

The total paid loss after deductible was $22,000.


Restaurants - Buckley’s café was infected with ransomware via a former managed service provider. After consultation, the ransom was paid, and the system was restored. During the investigation, it was discovered that Buckley’s customer information may have been compromised.  Credit monitoring and case management services were provided to affected individuals as a result of this attack. 

The total claim paid was $42,709.49.